The recitation of the Mysteries of the Rosary takes place on weekdays before 9:00 am Mass. You are invited to join us in this community prayer for an increase in the respect for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
The Catechism quotes Pope John Paul II: "The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease." (CCC, 1380)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is conducted on Thursdays once a month in St Malachy chapel from 2:00pm - 8:00pm. You are most welcome to come at your convenience.
As part of our Adoration service, we offer:
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, prayed in song, at 3:00 pm
Formal Benediction to close the evening at 8:00 pm
Please see the bulletin for the schedule.
During the Season of Lent, the Stations of the Cross are conducted on Friday afternoons at 3:30 pm.
If you are unable to attend click this link to watch Stations of The Cross
Please consider meditating on the Stations of the Cross throughout this Lenten Season, led by Father Mahoney.
The response is: "Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world."
St Veronica Parish welcome new members into the Catholic Church through a process of education, faith sharing, and rituals known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This process includes several stages marked by prayer, study, and discussion. Included in the process are several Rites, which take place within the context of the Mass. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) describes the RCIA as a process in which participants "undergo . . . conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments . . . The RCIA process follows the ancient practice of the Church and was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the normal way adults prepare for baptism."
The RCIA is structured over a series of ceremonial steps and periods of learning, and the timing of these may vary for each individual. One may take as much time as he or she needs in the initiation process before becoming ready for full initiation through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. Initiation within the Church is a journey of conversion that is gradual and ongoing and suited to individual needs. It is a process rather than an educational program and this process takes place within the community of the faithful, the local Church.
RCIA is offered from November to March every year. For more information please contact Deacon Dick Bilotta at:
Membership in the Bible Study/Prayer Group is always open. For details, email Deacon Dick Bilotta
Gather together with other women from the parish for prayer and faith sharing. Together we can grow in our faith and learn from one another. Contact Laurie Glasser 617-680-4448 or
St. Margaret Church
111 Winn St, Burlington, MA, United States
St. Malachy Church