Grades 11-12


We are excited to bring some fresh topics, guest lecturers and opportunities for prayerful reflection so vital in the life of today’s young Catholics.

Having received the Sacrament of Confirmation, this program will be an opportunity for students to continue to grow in their faith and live a Christian life. The foundation and cornerstone of our program is attendance of Mass and all other Holy Days of Obligation, which will be encouraged through the QR Code System. Classes will meet once a month on Sunday mornings at the St. Margaret’s School after the 9 am Mass. There will be group discussions reflecting on key questions of meaning and truth such as the origins of life, life after death, good and evil, beliefs about God and values such as justice, honesty, and truth. We will discuss lessons taught by Jesus and how the students can use those lessons today.

10/15/2023 Lessons Jesus Taught – Part 1 (Beatitudes, Prodigal Son, Parable of the Talents)

11/5/2023 Lessons Jesus Taught – Part 2 (Laborers in the Vineyard, Sower, Pearl of Great Price)

12/3/2023 Love and Two Great Commandments (Good Samaritan) & Mary, Blessed Mother

12/17/2023 MASS/Christmas Carols – Senior Center (6 PM)

1/7/2024 Holy Eucharist & Importance of Mass

2/4/2024 Love & the Two Great Commandments

3/10/2024 Religion in the Modern World & Moral Decision Making

4/7/2024 Specific Topics - Abortion, Sexuality, Faith & Science, Suffering

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