Grade 2 Sacrament Prep

St Veronica’s Sacramental Prep Program

Grade 2

Note: Although many students prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist during second grade, students in grades 3-5 also have joined our program. If this applies to your student, please contact Lauren Lambert to discuss some options for your student (contact info below). 

The Sacramental Prep year is very special because it’s when your student prepares to receive two more of God’s sacraments for the very first time.

Although some parts of the elementary religious education curriculum are intertwined, the main focus of the lessons in this program is preparing your student for First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist.

The first half of the year is spent talking about the Seven Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, making good choices, what is free will and what it means, and asking for forgiveness of others and of God when we sin. By January, your student will have a good understanding of what the Sacrament of Reconciliation is about, the beauty of God’s gift in forgiveness and unconditional love and will be prepared to receive and willingly participate in Penance.

The second half of the year is spent preparing to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist by talking about the Mass, which is the center of our faith.  We discuss in depth the different parts of the Mass, read the story of The Last Supper and make the connection that we reenact the events of that night from almost 2000 years ago every time we celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass. Jesus said “Do this in Remembrance of Me” and we do just that at every Mass. We also talk about when we receive the bread at Communion, we are receiving Jesus; and that God gave us healthy foods to nourish our physical bodies and He gave us the Eucharist to spiritually nourish us so we can grow in our love and understanding of God. 

All lessons throughout the year will be done on your own, individually, or if you prefer, in small groups with others in this program. A schedule (with all lesson due dates, retreat dates, sacramental dates, special mass dates, etc.) and all student materials will be distributed at the beginning of the year. Lesson plans outlining what to do at each lesson will be distributed throughout the year as we move through the program. In addition, we will gather all of the students together for two afternoon mini retreats, which occur just before the First Reconciliation ceremony in January and just before the First Communion masses in the spring – as a way to wrap up the lessons and to ensure all of the students are fully prepared to receive each sacrament. 

The Sacramental Prep Program has someone specific overseeing it, Lauren Lambert, who is your contact person for the entire year and is dedicated to guiding you through the program.

If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Lambert at

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